Beep Beep !


Hi, Natasya Hesham here
16 y/o (Melaka)

Get your own Digital Clock

Saturday, August 06, 2011

assalamualaikum ,

hey all . now tengah busan tahap gaban lah ! ngek betul . nak text sape ? bytheway , kwn karib aku tgh busy study , exam . now ,aku nak pgg buku tapi ,mud takde .hmph . apesal lah kongeng sgt kepala aku nhe ?

dgn kesempatan ni aku nak utus salam selamat menyambut bulan mulia ramadhan al-mubarak .moga segala amalan diterima dan didiklah nafsu . sucikan hati dari segala bentuk kekejaman , kekejian dan kemungkaran .

tahun ni raya aku tak meriah sgt . baju raye tak beli pun ,
tah lah , mud raya tu takda .

utk mendapatkan mud puasa , aku dah tuka mud , letak lagi ramadhan dekat blog ,

Act , i miss my abang . 
aku syg kau . jgn risau , aku tak penah lupe kau . i love you zul .
semoga kau tenang disana .
nantikan kami disana .

barakallah ,

Monday, August 01, 2011

rambut baru

assalamualaikum ,
 hirau kan muka. motif rambut je .hehe .
ini lah hasil rambutku yg mcm teet .heh .
okay tak? pape pon aku suke rambut pendek .
aku suke memori suda boleh pergi .
tasya kuad !

Sunday, July 31, 2011

young in fall in love

meet my twins afiq haizi .

yesterday , i waited for your friends to walk away ,so i can say just what i mean ,
i know were moving fast , running from the past , i'm holding on before it fades away ,
could it be it maybe its our first mistake , and hey that's alright , its crazy how we lost ourselves tonight , there's the reason why they say that we should give a time , but time its not enough ,and that's the reason why , when we young in fall in love . 

standing still , i'm waiting round to see if it is real , cause i fell like i'm asleep ,i open up my eyes , you might be the type ,a boy that makes me dream when im awake .

so tell me can its really work ,when we end it badly hurt , this is love are mean 
so tell me are you ready for this? its hurt the more than you can see , more than you . more than me , it takes two times to believe 

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

i can handle it

assalamualaikum ,

i am now released and forget .
i am nothing . you are nothing .
even sometimes my face cant lie .
i always trying so bad to pretend okay all time.
who knews ? i am hardly fight with my heart that time.
its hurt when missing someone so much .
its tripple harder if we were lying about our truth feeling .

i am not a perfact lover ,
love make me brave ,
when i think about you ,
i knew you already throw me away from your diary ,
let just allah arrange everything ,

hey perfact love ,
if in this journey i die .
i want to take this time to say sory about my past time evil mistake ,

when i wears that white thing in whole of my body ,
send me goodbye words and smile at me .

we will meet soon ,